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Category: feels

I think it’s my second birthday feeling like this

At this point I think I am really stupid. We should know that I rarely kiss people & that I have to think long and  hard about who I let touch me in any sexual way, but I let someone do that. Both of the things I treasure most now.  I knew we had no future but I didn’t think I’d become this attached to one guy in one whole month. He was interested in me at first; but then I don’t know how I fucked up on this, but now he doesn’t want me anymore.  As of now I feel like death looks. First of all I feel used. I know that what most guys do, at least guys my age and that’s not okay. Every guy I like that has liked me back seems to only have an interest in nothing but my sexual side. Not my hopes for the future. Not my passion for saving animals. Not my fondness for nature and it’s natural beauty.  Not my sense of style.  None of that matters it seems.  Maybe I’m not worth loving. Maybe I’m not worth caring for. Maybe I’m not worth it or anything.

I have a new sunshine and sometimes I feel like he’s killing me, but I like it.

I have a new sunshine everyone!!! You’re happy for me right?? Well don’t be. Mostly because I might have a new sunshine but I also have a boyfriend and for the fact that my new sunshine come with a “girlfriend”. :c I know, he has a girlfriend leave him alone, but how can I leave him alone when he likes me too. I know I’m setting my self up for the fall this time and I’m sorry but I’m used to the pain of heartbreak; what will be different with this guy?? Right.? I mean he does work all the time and barely has time for me but when I’m with him, it feels like I’m with him. You know?? I mean it’s kinda like what I had with Elijah but better. I get to sit with him at lunch and just being near him makes my heart race but at the same time I’m so calm and happy. Blah…. :p At this point I know I love him but I’m trying my hardest not to fall in love with him. Do you know how hard that is? Even if I was in love with him I don’t think he’d feel the same. I always tell him he makes me feel weird but it’s really like he makes me feel happy and all warm and fuzzy inside and I’m rarely that happy.  He’s also the only person at the time that can make me cry. When it comes to my heart I’m very sensitive.  He doesn’t know that when he talks about his girlfriend I get so jealous. It’s not even funny. I mean just saying her name makes my remember he’s not mine and I’m just his “Side Girl”.

Also did I tell you my cat had kittens?? 3 of them. 2 boys one girl.


Me and Matty are no more and I’m sorry to say I’m really happy about it, but at the same time a little sad.  I mean he is very controlling.  Theirs a new person in my life.  Isn’t their always? His name is Brian and he’s really sweet but very dominate and I love it. He calls me beautiful but at the same time he calls me his little slut and it makes me blush. I mean he’ll say something really sweet and then he’ll say something so sexually and I’m almost never expecting it so I get embarrassed and I blush.

Here’s some music.

New Music:

– Real Friends

– La Dispute

– Citizens

– The Story So Far

– Basement


Keeping things from him is hard enough

I haven’t really wanted to talk about this because it’s such a touch matter to me. I mean it involves a new life and the changing of others. I’ve been thinking of baby names because of the fact that my period is really late.( I mean really fucking late) I’ve accepted the fact that I  either I have ovaries cancer or am pregnant & I’m hoping it’s the cancer one. The worst part about it is sunshine is the last guy out of 4 months that I had sex with. So the father would be him. I’m not going to tell him. I havent told anyone yet. I don’t want to tell anyone. The only persons I know I will have to tell is Emi and her mom. That’s why I want to move in with them so soon. Sunshine will never know about the kid and can live his life the way he wants too.  If he ever does find out I hope he won’t get mad at me for keeping little Kenzie or little Jason a secret from him. I havent even told my grandparents and I live with them. Out of all the symptoms that come with it I hate the having to pee like 12 times a day the worst. Then the mood swings. Last is the throwing up because I only do that in mid-day. and if I don’t eat anything there is nothing to trow up so my tummy just hurts. I have thought about telling him but I don’t want to fuck up his future. Mine isnt fucked up at all. I can still go through with my plans because I have a friend who can baby sit. I will still get to meet Cory and  go on warped tour. I will still get to go out and be an adventurer as long as I can count on Emi and her mom to care for my little one. It nice being able to tell someone about a secret I couldn’t hold any longer. And showing is nothing for me because they will all just think I’m getting fatter and I wont say anything.  Plus I wear baggy clothes anyways so no one would know. Un less emi or her mom tells them. -.-   They better not I will be so pissed.

I hope it’s a girl. That would make me so happy.

My feels do know <3 :p

Eli is going out with Molly. I don’t know why this makes me happy mostly because I like Molly and she amuses me and OMG I can’t lie. I’m a girl and Molly is one of the only other females I’d love to have sex with but it will never happen because she’s straight. UGH… I sometimes hang out with her at lunch and now i’m gonna feel awkward. I don’t want to feel awkward. I really loves how she responds to my Meows.  This makes me HAPPY weirdly enough.

Just a note

Omg.. I kissed him. I don’t know how to feel about it. I mean he has a bearded and it was kind of rough but It was alright. Now I feel like I’m cheating on Eli… With my boyfriend?? How does that make sense?? I don’t know what I’m doing. I want to tell Eli and just confess this indiscretion. I didn’t mean for it to happen.  He kept asking repeatedly and I just said okay. I feel so guilty…  Why do I feel this guilty??  I have to stop loving him.  I have to move on. Why can’t he just break me heart like Tarrance did??   That would force me to move on… I think he’s ignoring me. I text him morning text every day and get nothing back.  Some how it hurts a lot. Why couldn’t my heart agree with my heart for once?? The 3 parts of my body that have a say in my life are. My head, My heart, & of course my bodies instinct. My heart and body picked Eli.    I need to stop talking about him. I’ll just end up hurting again.   Fuck my life please!1. Can I just become famous and ruin my life??

Just A note

I never noticed how annoying  guy’s who want sex are until last night.  Davey was overly over the top with the begging and begging is not attractive at all. I mean I can’t now but he doesn’t know that. I think I annoyed Eli a little. I mean I didn’t mean too. I was in a mood and I get like that a lot when I’m in a mood. I slept great last night.( After Davey stopped texting me. I mean I really don’t want to and I really can’t.. Now.)  There is a new guy that I’m beginning to like. Dillon. He’s not a looker but he’s very entertaining & he makes me laugh.  I can deal. I might be single for him soon. I’m so fucking hungry. I forgot to take my meds today.  I’m so fucked.

I’m not okay, I promise.

Yesterday I was having mood swings so I guess it’s almost that time of  the month. I guess I have a day and a half. The cramps just started like right now.  I like how I know my biological clock. It’s so easy to remember.  I’m having a mood right now and I’m happy. I usually avoid Eli at school and it’s like he’s changing his habits.  Now I have to start my avoiding  and watch where I go… I like it… You might not notice but this is all a game. It’s really fun sometimes and other times it just plain rough.  I want to cuddle with him. or Cory.  or Jamie. (Yes Jamie. He’s the only one I can cuddle with and he’s okay with it.)  I wonder if me and Eli can JUST be friends.  I really want to invite him over to just cuddle and watch t.v.  I’m supposed to be hanging out with a group of guys ages 20 – 23. There’s 7 of them. I don’t want to hang out with them… I don’t even really like them. I mean I like one of um. Hey I’m being nice today. I haven’t downed anyone yet. I left my phone at home & I don’t really miss it or need it.   I think I’m gonna stay home today. Yep I am.  I wonder if he’s seen the movie “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”. Or if he likes “Supernatural” or “Harry Potter”. As a friend I’m supposed to know these things.  I don’t know anything about him,  except for his favorite color, animals, holiday, day. I knew more at some point but I don’t know what happened. I’m listening to jake wolf at the moment and I love his song sunshine. {He just wants to fuck her fucking mouth again.} I’m okay with that quote.  I don’t think I should listen to his music while in this state.  I’m plotting something sinister. I’m not sorry. I want to get out of here. I know it’s the mood swing talking but at the same time it’s true. I want to leave and meet new people and dance and sleep and love. North Carolina has nothing for me anymore. I grew up here yes, but it’s taught me as much as it’s going to. I think I’d do better on the road anyways. I need to get my licences. And a car. Something like a mini van.  I’m not wearing make up today. I look so bad.  so at one point this week I was really bored so I masturbated until I passed out. It was super intense.  I’m looking for a gig.  (He just called a girl a whore in the most cutest way)

Back for another lesson are we?

Hello blog readers.  Sorry I haven’t  been up here in a while. I was sorting things out.   I am no longer friends or best friends with Stephanie Kelly, and I’m okay with it. I actually feel a lot better without her. I feel free. It’s nice. I’m becoming more social. It’s weird though. I’m away from her and people like me. I mean I’m making friends now. I don’t really like it a lot, but it’s a nice feeling. There’s this guy I met from that I’m going to get coffee with, hopefully, this weekend. He’s blonde and I was very scared of blondes at one point in my life. I don’t know how I started liking him again. Last night I did a really stupid thing. I texted Eli. I know I’m supposed to hate him and never talk to him but I’ve learned to like the pain he causes. It’s really sickening,  I know but, I can take it. I’m thinking of him as a concept now. No longer sunshine, no longer human. A concept. I hadn’t talk to him in a long time. I don’t really miss him. I just want something to do… In both sexual and non-sexual ways. I can’t help but wonder if he missed me at all. If he has any feelings for me… Sophie told me that Molly(This really weird girl with blonde hair. I thought her and Eli were going out but I guess they didn’t because he’s going out with a girl named Amanda. {I don’t know why but I rather have him go out with Molly than this Amanda chick.}) most likely had sex with him because they both came out of the boys bathroom after school one day. Personally, I think that is just really gross. The bathroom? Really?? The boys bathroom at school??  Ew.

As a Taurus female I am almost insatiable in the sex department & when I don’t have sex, I crave chocolate. I found this beautiful place in the forest behind my house. I think Eli might like it. I want to show it to him. Another secret place?? Yes. I don’t want him there EVER by himself. I don’t want him anywhere near my Forest with another girl. I think I’d kill them both. I’d kill him because the forest, MY forest is like a very special place that I go to be myself and not have to think. It’s my home away from home and I don’t like anyone being there. He was the exception. The one guy that will ever get to see that place. I’d kill her because he liked her enough to take her to OUR special place.  The worst part is I wouldn’t get caught. It’s very urban where I live. The wolves would most likely eat the bodies. Ew!! I’m thinking about killing people. I don’t really think I would be able to kill him. Right now I’m wondering did I ever cause him any distress or pain or heart ace… I hope so. It’s a sweet thing it is. Pain. I have a dairy like book that I write in and I wrote a whole page about how much I miss the taste of him… I know it’s wrong. It can’t be human nature to want to bite him gently on his neck or to  miss his sweet soft lips and his touch that always creates goose bumps on my body or  How sometimes he’d be looking at me and I’d feel really nervous and wouldn’t be able to look him in the eyes or how when we walked some where he’d be the one to reach for my hand and slip his fingers in to mine. It felt like heaven on earth. I felt safe. I felt needed. He made me feel like I was loved. I miss that. I used to just stare at him sometimes trying to remember exactly how he looked & if he made eye contact with me while I was doing that, it would feel like a static shock ran through me and i had to immediately look away, but I’d look back at him and in my head I was asking if it was okay for me to do that. It’s how I fell in love with him. I was able to sit with him and do nothing and still be happy. It was pure bliss. I truthfully could not tell him no to save my life. Our first time together was very awkward…  But I liked it. I remember he kept touching me and every fiber in my being told me to submit.  I think he wanted me to say no, but i couldn’t bring myself to do it. I wanted him to keep going. I remember thinking “Can he hear my heart?
The way it beats;  iratical.”  After a while of this secret time together I  started feeling  a warm feeling in the middle of my chest. When I saw him I knew my heart beat got faster & I could barely breathe. And at school it was the worst. I could feel myself start to blush but I wanted to be around him & everything he did was super amazing. I wanted him to try to talk to me. I wanted to be friend in school and out of school. I never really get what I want. One day he told me he had been with more than just me. I told him I didn’t care but to be truthful I was really hurt. I don’t know why. It’s not like we were really together. I felt so betrayed and at the same time silly.  At some point I told him how I felt but he didn’t feel the same. at first I didn’t understand. I thought you’re supposed to give your virginity to some one you’re in love with. I got really self-destructive after that. I didn’t like what I was feeling. Sometimes I would forget about him and my day would be good, but my nights where I was alone broke me every time.  I would lay alone and this emptiness would just was over me & I’d feel like I was drowning. I had so many panic attacks over him.  I remember seeing him once at school and he was sitting with some girl and I was so Jealous.  I wasn’t it to hit me so hard but I started having a panic attack right there. I ran to the girls bathroom and locked myself in a stall. It lasted for a long time and I ended up crying. The hopelessness I felt was overbearing.  When I got home I slept the rest of that day.  There was one time where I wanted him to stay the night at my house. I texted him that and he replied with something about his girlfriend. At that moment I hated him. I wished he’d disappear. After that I wanted to erase him from my head. I wanted to erase him from my heart as well. But for I think the 2nd time in history he texted me and I caved like a house made of straw.  But I tried to keep myself away from him. I wanted to hurt him so  told him what I wanted to do and that I want him to leave me alone.  He said “fine”. But I couldn’t do it. but after a short time I missed him. For some reason he let me go over his house. (He has 3 dogs but I only really like one and it’s the biggest one and it’s so cute and charming. >.<) At some point he began to annoy me. I got over it when I got my way. He kept texting and I really didn’t like it. Afterwards I felt really awkward. I mean his doggies were loving me and I was OVERLY LOVING THEM!!! I wanted him to pay attention to me but I felt like he was done with me for that day.  He drove me around at some point and took me to the park. (He also has this really pretty blade that I wanted. I mean it was beautiful. ) At some point I wanted a kiss while at the park and when he said no I felt that pain again.  I wanted to go home.  I want him today.. I want him everyday.. I have to go. Bye.

I just read this is so.. fdjkgdkjssfsdf good. I know her feels. (I know your feels)